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subterrane Meaning in Tamil ( subterrane வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பூமிக்கு அடியிலுள்ள,

subterrane தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

புவியியல் தொந்தரவுகளற்ற அமைதியான மரபுரிமைத் தலமாக புவேர்டோ பிரின்செசா எனப்படும் பூமிக்கு அடியிலுள்ள ஆறு விளங்குகின்றது.

வளிமண்டல ஈரப்பதம் (பனி, மழை மற்றும் மேகங்கள்) சமுத்திரங்கள், ஆறுகள், ஏரிகள், நிலத்தடி நீர், பூமிக்கு அடியிலுள்ள நீரோட்டங்கள், துருவ உறைபனிக் குன்றுகள் மற்றும் நிறைவுற்ற மண் ஆகியவை அணைத்தும் நீர்த்தேக்கமென்ற சொல்லில் அடங்கும் .

இந்த வாக்கியமானது 1967 ஆம் ஆண்டு இலையுதிர் காலத்தில் இஸ்லிங்டனிலுள்ள பூமிக்கு அடியிலுள்ள நிலையத்தில் சுவரில் ஸ்பிரே பெயிண்டிங் மூலம் எழுதப்பட்டது.

subterrane's Usage Examples:

long creeping or subterranean rhizomes, with elongated internodes and sheathing scales; the widely-creeping, slender rhizomes in Marram-grass (Psamma), Agropyrum junceum, Ely7nus arenarius, and other sand-loving plants render them useful as sand-binders.

The most remarkable of these rivers is the Laibach, which rises in the Karst region under the name of Poik, takes afterwards a subterranean course and traverses the Adelsberg grotto, and appears again on the surface near Planina under the name of Unz.

"With such subterranean pests little can be done beyond rolling the land to keep it firm, and thus preventing them from moving rapidly from plant to plant.

of the town the Bied plunged into a deep chasm, on the steep rock face of which were formerly the subterranean mills of the Col des Roches, situated one above another; but the stream is now diverted by the above-mentioned tunnel, while another serves the railway line from Le Locle to Morteau in France (8 m.

But indeed the whole of this intermediate period is full of dark subterranean plots and counterplots, still inexplicable, as, for instance, the hideous Fersen murder (June 20, 1 810) (see Fersen, Hans Axel Von) evidently intended to terrorize the Gustavians, whose loyalty to the ancient dynasty was notorious.

Heaviside in 1887 succeeded in communicating by telephonic speech between the surface of the earth and the subterranean galleries of the Broomhill collieries, 350 feet deep, by laying above and below ground two complete metallic circuits, each about 24 m.

They are harmless and inoffensive creatures, offering no resistance when caught; their principal means of escape being the extraordinary rapidity with which they burrow in the ground, and the tenacity with which they retain their hold in their subterranean retreats.

He is a god of storms; a god of light or a solar god; a chthonian god, one of the deities of the subterranean world, who could bring prosperity as well as ruin upon men, although in time his destructive qualities obscured the others.

The department is intersected by torrents belonging to the Garonne basin - the Salat, the Arize, which, near Mas d'Azil, flows through a subterranean gallery, the Ariege and the Hers.

The subterranean passage of the Alpheus in the upper part of its course (confirmed by modern explorers), and the freshness of the water of Arethusa in spite of its proximity to the sea, led to the belief that it was the outlet of the river.

The tracks along which the ants carry the leaves to their nests are often in part subterranean.

Cope, who have catalogued twentyeight species truly subterraneous, besides those that may be regarded as stragglers from the surface.

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