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sturgeon Meaning in Tamil ( sturgeon வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


உணவிற்குப் பயன்படும் பெரிய மீன் வகை,

sturgeon's Usage Examples:

The variations among sturgeon caviars alone is wide and important.

True caviars come from the sturgeon once endemic to the Caspian Sea.

The fish of greatest economic value are sturgeon (four species), which yield great quantities of caviare and isinglass, the herring, the salmon and the lobster.

The air-bladder of this fish furnishes isinglass, little, if at all, inferior to that obtained from the sturgeon, while from the liver is obtained cod-liver oil, largely used in medicine as a remedy in scrofulous complaints and pulmonary consumption (see CODLIVER OIL).

Posted by newly hyphenated mike on 8 July, 2004 at 10:35 AM Thanks for the sturgeon sympathies.

The waters of the lake swarm with fish (sturgeons and salmonidae), and its herring (Salmo omul) is the chief product of the fisheries, though notably fewer have been taken within the last forty or fifty years.

Lampreys, sticklebacks, cattoids, sturgeons - the white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) is commonly known as the "Oregon sturgeon" - trout and salmon are the principal anadromous fish, the salmon and trout being the most important economically.

The wall-eyed pike taken in 1902 were valued at "16,915 (210,936 lb); white fish, "5777 (80,191 lb); pickerel, "4144 (51,711 lb); yellow perch, " 2 575 (43,9 1 7 lb); sturgeon, "20 5 1 (1 5,59 0 lb), and suckers, " 18 54 (37,375 lb); other varieties taken in smaller quantities included smelt, sun-fish and eels.

Back to top flathead Eric Guest Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 2:05 pm Post subject: Come on Icarus!Other fish native to the waters of the state are the sturgeon, catfish, perch (locally called pike), buffalo fish, flathead and sucker.

Wild river sturgeon perched on a bed of roasted beets, blue crab cakes with couscous and calamari served with plump green olives are all popular dishes served at the restaurant.

Other fish native to the waters of the state are the sturgeon, catfish, perch (locally called pike), buffalo fish, flathead and sucker.


Acipenseridae, Pacific sturgeon, white sturgeon, Acipenser huso, ganoid, ganoid fish, Acipenser transmontanus, beluga, Sacramento sturgeon, hausen, family Acipenseridae,



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