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strychnine Meaning in Tamil ( strychnine வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



(சிறிது சிறிதாக உண்டு நரம்புகளுக்குக் கிளர்ச்சி ஊட்டும்) ஒரு வகையான நஞ்சு,

strychnine's Usage Examples:

The collapse must be treated with hot blankets and bottles, and subcutaneous injections of brandy, ether or strychnine.

Crum Brown and Fraser of Edinburgh showed that, whilst thebaine acts like strychnine, methyl and ethyl thebaine act like curara, paralysing the terminals of motor nerves.

Alcohol, strychnine and warmth must also be employed.

Of the other alkaloids narceine is hypnotic, like morphine and codeine, whilst thebaine, papaverine and narcotine have an action which resembles that of strychnine, and is, generally speaking, undesirable or dangerous if at all well marked.

In this case stimulants and strychnine may be given, but they should be avoided until it is certain the bleeding has been properly controlled, as they tend to increase it.

Strychnine is eliminated by the kidneys as strychnine and strychnic acid.

There's not enough space on a LSD blotter to contain enough strychnine to poison you.

It is very similar to strychnine, both chemically and physiologically.

The symptoms of strychnine poisoning usually appear within twenty minutes of the ingestion of a poisonous dose, starting with an uneasy sensation, stiffness at the back of the neck, twitching of the muscles and a feeling of impending suffocation.

In pneumonia and other acute disease, where the patient is liable to sudden collapse, a hypodermic injection of strychnine will often save the patient's life.

Piperine, conine, atropine, belladonine, cocaine, hyoscyamine and nicotine have been already synthesized; the constitution of several others requires confirmation, while there remain many important alkaloids - quinine, morphine, strychnine, 'c.

Small, stimulating doses, and repeated, are good, but stimulation can be more effectively produced by ammonia or strychnine.

No certain cure has been or is likely to be discovered for their poison, but in less serious cases strychnine has been used with advantage.


alkaloid, nux vomica, plant toxin, phytotoxin,



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