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structures Meaning in Tamil ( structures வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



structures's Usage Examples:

In the paraschists, though fossils are exceedingly rare, sedimentary structures such as bedding and the alternation of laminae of fine and coarse deposit may frequently be preserved.

It has two stories above the ground floor, and, being on the slope of the hill, is, like the whole piazza, raised on arched substructures.

The great engineering works of Cimon provided a suitable area for the magnificent structures of the age of Pericles.

"Associated with these irregular escarpments are occasional rectilinear ridges, the work of extensive erosion on monoclinal structures, of whick Echo Cliffs, east of the Painted Desert (so called from its manycoloured sandstones and clays), is a good example.

impermanent structures but in our everyday lives we often forget to see them this way.

The object of the attack on the mole at Zeebrugge was first to seize the battery at the seaward end and prevent it firing at the block ships, and then to demolish the structures on it as far as possible.

Besides the crypts of Lieberkiihn found throughout the intestinal canal, and the glands of Brunner confined to the duodenum, there are other structures in the mucous membrane, about the nature of which there is still much uncertainty, called " solitary " and " agminated " glands, the latter more commonly known by the name of " Peyer's patches.

These spiracles, according to Hinds, are remarkable honeycomb-like structures, and perforations to the tracheal tubes have not been demonstrated.

Park buildings and structures, including the bandstand, were restored and the fountain was re-created.

The prevailing mode of sepulture in all the different varieties of these structures is by the deposit of the body in a contracted position, accompanied by weapons and implements of stone, occasionally by ornaments of gold, jet or amber.

Hence many structures which are obvious to the eye, and serve as distinguishing marks of separate species, are really not themselves of value or use, but are the necessary concomitants of less obvious and even altogether obscure qualities, which are the real characters upon which selection is acting.

In any case the nephridia which occupy the segments of the body generally are first of all represented by paired structures, the "pronephridia," in which the funnel is composed of but one cell, which is flagellate.


defence, cardcastle, mound, colonnade, span, memorial, establishment, repair shed, erection, entablature, understructure, platform, equilibrium, deathtrap, arch, house of cards, lookout station, fountain, housing, hangar, arena, slipway, bowl, porch, foundation, trestlework, setoff, sail, impedimenta, balcony, ways, whorl, edifice, card-house, fundament, set-back, obstructer, area, superstructure, post and lintel, column, door, corner, volute, counterbalance, sports stadium, living accommodations, arcade, landing place, tower, shelter, obstruction, hull, masonry, floor, transept, observatory, lookout, airdock, base, offset, defense, wellhead, plate, altar, prefab, false bottom, shipway, monument, lamination, boarding, landing, guide, defensive structure, supporting structure, complex, coil, artefact, bridge, cross, groundwork, level, artifact, storey, wind tunnel, substructure, balance, construction, vaulting, observation tower, story, shoebox, divider, foot, cardhouse, honeycomb, projection, quoin, obstructor, hill, bascule, stadium, sign, body, lodging, structural member, pillar, partition, spiral, public works, impediment, catchment, building complex, helix, signboard, jungle gym, building, weapons platform, equipoise,


uncoiled, straight line, disassembly, disproportion, natural object,

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