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stolons Meaning in Tamil ( stolons வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஓடு தண்டு,

stolons தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இந்த ஓடு தண்டு சிறிது தொலைவு மண்ணில் சாய்ந்து வளா்ந்து பின்பு மேல் நோக்கி வளரும்.

இது தரைக்கு மேலே உள்ள தண்டுபகுதியின் தரைகீழ்கோணமொட்டிலிருந்து தோன்றும் பக்கவாட்டு ஓடு தண்டு ஆகும்.

stolons's Usage Examples:

Hydrocharis floats on the surface of still water, and has rosettes of kidney-shaped leaves, from among which spring the flower-stalks; stolons bearing new leafrosettes are sent out on all sides, the plant thus propagating itself in the same way as the strawberry.

"from stolons, which are often produced in great quantity.

Such outgrowths are called stolons, and a stolon may be simple, i.

epigeal stolons that root at the nodes.

In the order Stolonifera the zooids spring at intervals from branching or lamellar stolons, and are usually free from one another, except at their bases, but in some cases horizontal solenia arising at various heights from the body-wall may place the more distal portions of the zooids in communication with one another.

In the section Asiphonacea the colonies are upright and branched, springing from membranous or ramifying stolons.

produces slender stolons and spreads to form bright clumps.

Some have creeping stolons or stems just below the surface.

The turf-formation, which is characteristic of open situations in cool temperate climates, results from an extensive production of short stolons, the branches and the fibrous roots developed from their nodes forming the dense " sod.

Lateral stems, or stolons, formed by these grasses result in a dense turf canopy, even at low mowing heights.

The small translucent zooids (approximately 4 mm long) are budded from stolons and generally rather closely packed.


offset, runner, plant organ,


end, death, middle, unbalance,

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