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stigmatize Meaning in Tamil ( stigmatize வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நற்பெயருக்குக் களங்கம் விளைவிக்கும் படி பேசு, இகழ்ந்து கூறு,

stigmatize's Usage Examples:

Their enthusiasm and their prophesyings were denounced as demoniacal; their expectation of a glorious earthly kingdom of Christ was stigmatized as Jewish, their passion for martyrdom as vainglorious and their whole conduct as hypocritical.

"In spite of the denunciation by the Social Democratic leaders of what they stigmatized as a policy N I of brag, the general popularity of the idea of estab- prf~oVg~~ress.

After a childhood spent in an austerity which stigmatized as unholy even the novels of Sir Walter Scott, he began his college career at the age of fourteen at a time when Christopher North and Dr Ritchie were lecturing on Moral Philosophy and Logic.

), Angelo of Clarino, in his De septem tribulationibus, written to the glory of the Spirituals, does not scruple to stigmatize the Dolcinists as "disciples of the devil.

The avarice with which both Tacitus and Suetonius stigmatize Vespasian seems really to have been an enlightened economy, which, in the disordered state of the Roman finances, was an absolute necessity.

"Michaelis, but others did not hesitate to stigmatize him as the would-be "corrector of the Holy Ghost.

And drive faster, blockhead!Can you first of all tell me where the name blockhead comes from?His choice rhetoric stigmatized the dean of St Patrick's as assheaded, a blockhead who cared only for his kitchen and his belly.

Some respondents in all three countries felt lonely, isolated and stigmatized and lost self-respect.

avri, against, e6 sos, law), a term apparently coined by Luther to stigmatize Johannes Agricola and his following, indicating an interpretation of the antithesis between law and gospel, recurrent from the earliest times.

There were philosophic and philanthropic elements in his political faith which will always lead some to class him as a visionary and fanatic; but although he certainly indulged at times in dreams at which one may still smile, he was not, properly speaking, a visionary; nor can he with justice be stigmatized as a fanatic.

After the Montanistic controversy chiliastic views were more and more discredited in the Greek Church; they were, in fact, stigmatized as "Jewish" and consequently "heretical.

, led by John the Fearless of Burgundy, and joined chiefly by French knights, was directed down the valley of the Danube into the Balkans; but the old faults stigmatized by de Mezieres, divisio and pro Aria voluntas, were the ruin of the crusading army, and at the battle of Nicopolis it was signally defeated.


stigmatise, denounce, mark, label, brand,


ignore, take away, disqualify, convict, qualify,

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