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stereophonic Meaning in Tamil ( stereophonic வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பல திசைகளில் இருந்தும் ஒலி வருவது போன்று அமைந்த,

stereophonic தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


stereophonic's Usage Examples:

His recording career began in 1958 with Decca 's first stereophonic recording, " 1812 " with the London Symphony Orchestra.

November 13 Disney's Fantasia animated feature, with stereophonic music recorded by Leopold Stokowski and the Philadelphia Orchestra, is premiered in the US.

stereophonic music recorded by Leopold Stokowski and the Philadelphia Orchestra, is premiered in the US.

stereophonic sound of what I attempted to do for the next 40 minutes!His recording career began in 1958 with Decca 's first stereophonic recording, " 1812 " with the London Symphony Orchestra.

stereophonic recording, " 1812 " with the London Symphony Orchestra.

Consequently there is a visual record in stereophonic sound of what I attempted to do for the next 40 minutes !stereophonic music recorded by Leopold Stokowski and the Philadelphia Orchestra, is premiered in the US.


two-channel, binaural, biaural, stereo,


mono, one-eared, single-channel, monophonic, monaural,

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