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stepladder Meaning in Tamil ( stepladder வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


stepladder's Usage Examples:

Specific electrical, power tool and stepladder safety tasks.

It was these miniature stepladders and ironing boards that inspired him to begin producing toys.

stepladder accidents are caused by human error, not by ladders failing.

Most stepladder accidents are caused by human error, not by ladders failing.

The girls handed the map to Mrs Batty who began to climb the stepladder.

We need to borrow a stepladder from the plow - lesson number X forgotten again.

Historical letters written by visiting guests contain complaints about the two-foot high stepladders required to climb into the alcove beds.

stepladder safety tasks.

He used a stepladder on a slippery floor to clean a bowl chopper.

Ladders ' Scaffolds · make sure stepladders are completely opened and positioned with all four legs firmly stabilized and supported.

Ladders ' Scaffolds · Make sure stepladders are completely opened and positioned with all four legs firmly stabilized and supported.

Back to top Display idea To help give height to your display of containers, why not use a wooden stepladder?Even tho the ground was level and stable, he asked a colleague to hold the stepladder steady.


step ladder, ladder,



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