stean Meaning in Tamil ( stean வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)
படகின் பின்பகுதி,
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stean தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:
stean's Usage Examples:
bastean>Basting brush - to ensure you don't waste your marinade.
He has shown that, as in the Crossopterygian and Chondrostean ganoid fishes, there co.
"Celsus does not indeed repeat the Thyestean charges so frequently brought against Christians by their calumniators, but he says the Christian teachers who are mainly weavers and cobblers have no power over men of education.
This is an allusion to the charges of Thyestean banquets and other immoralities, which the early apologists constantly rebut.
By a simple modification, the open pit becomes a solid ectodermal ingrowth, just as in Teleostean fishes the hollow medullary tube, or the auditory pit of other vertebrate embryos, is formed at first as a solid cord of cells, which acquires a cavity secondarily.
, are two clavicular elements on each side; the lower corresponds to the clavicle of reptiles and higher vertebrates, whilst the upper corresponds to the clavicle of teleostean fishes, and has been named by him "cleithrum.
This type of caudal fin must be regarded as secondary, the Gadidae being, no doubt, derived from fishes in which the homocercal fin of the typical Teleostean had been lost.
COD, the name given to the typical fish of the family Gadidae, of the Teleostean suborder Anacanthini, the position of which has much varied in our classifications.
To this category will belong the oviducts in Teleostean fishes and probably the gonad ducts in several groups of invertebrates.
By sinking additional pits or by extending the costeaning trenches and uncovering the outcrop of the deposit more fully it is sometimes possible to obtain all the information required for the most extensive and important mining operations.