statecraft Meaning in Tamil ( statecraft வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)
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statecraft தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:
வியட்நாம் போர் நடந்து கொண்டிருந்த காலகட்டத்தில், சிகானோவ் கம்போடியாவை நடுநிலை நாடு என்று அறிவித்திருந்த போதிலும், அவர் சீன பயணம் மேற்கொண்ட காலத்தில், தலைமை அமைச்சர் தலைமையில் நடந்த தனக்கு எதிரான ஆட்சிக்கலைப்பினால், தனது நிலையை மாற்றி பொது உடைமை நாடுகளின் அணியில் சேர்ந்தார்.
statecraft's Usage Examples:
The purely selfish bond between condottieri and their employers, whether princes or republics, involved intrigues and treachery, checks and counterchecks, secret terror on the one hand and treasonable practice on the other, which ended by making statecraft in Italy synonymous with perfidy.
Yet the natural or physical theology of the philosophers - in contrast to mere myths or mere statecraft - seems a straightforward effort to reach faith in God on grounds of scientific reason.
Literature and affairs, science and statecraft, poetry and medicine, these various expressions of human nature and activity were so harmoniously balanced that they might be found in the possession of one and the same individual.
It is hard to build up a reputation for statecraft for either Henry or Wolsey on the sum total of English political achievement during their collaboration.
But he was the one man of ability who could hope to rule the debris of the kingdom of Jerusalem with success; he was the master of an Italian statecraft which gave him the advantage over his ingenuous rival; and Richard was finally forced to recognize him as king (April 11 9 2).
"An Englishman Italianate," ran the current jingle, "is a devil incarnate," and Elizabeth was well versed in Italian scholarship and statecraft.
Though not despising the Machiavellian arts of statecraft so universally practised in his day, he was nevertheless by nature plain-spoken and sincere, and in his last years grew violent and crabbed.
He was perhaps wanting in firmness of character, and the undue influence exercised over him by unscrupulous ministers, or by the seductions of fairer but no less ambitious votaries of statecraft, led him to make concessions which tarnished the glory of his reign, and were followed by baneful results for the welfare of his empire.
In the East all such traits are exaggerated, a result perhaps rather of the statecraft than of the religions of Egypt and Persia.
To suppose that the young statesman learned his frigid statecraft in Spain would be perhaps too simple a solution of the problem offered by his character, and scarcely fair to the Italian proficients in perfidy.
He was a celebrated gourmet, and his dinners were utilized by Napoleon as a useful adjunct to the arts of statecraft.
wisdom, statesmanship, wiseness, diplomacy,
badness, bad, unsoundness, tactlessness, folly,