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stacks Meaning in Tamil ( stacks வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



stacks தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


stacks's Usage Examples:

voussoir tiles in the hypocaust chamber where we would expect to find stacks of flat tiles.

haystacks in that field or are they models?And we know in this information age that there are endless haystacks everywhere.

Xander was everywhere, from posters on the wall, stacks of books he'd allegedly written, even a red carpet entrance flanked by adoring female fans and photographers.

wide, through which the tide constantly surges, and to the south-east of it are the Drougs, stacks.

gable stacks facing NW.

The Golgi apparatus is usually found close to the cell nucleus and consists of one or more stacks of membrane-bound cisternae (sacs ).

But the sameness is relieved along the western coast of the shires of Sutherland and Ross and Cromarty by groups of cones and stacks, and farther south by the terraced plateaus and abru p t conical hills of Skye, Rum and Mull.

A detailed plan for the entire rapid is vital when facing the holes, drops, haystacks, rocks and chutes served up by even the most diminutive river.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by stacks of photos that have yet to make it into your albums, the thought of creating a layout with just one photo may seem counterproductive.

shim stacks ' which can give almost any response curve desired.

He said: ' When you are looking for a needle in a haystack, is it necessary to keep building bigger haystacks?On the surface the case looked like a quintessential example of tort litigation gone haywire.

Among the most picturesque features of Scottish sea-cliffs are the numerous stacks or columns of rock which during the demolition and cuttingback of the precipices have been isolated and left standing amidst the waves.


storage space, depository library, library,



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