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squill Meaning in Tamil ( squill வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அல்லி இனத்தைச் சேர்ந்த ஒரு தாவரம்,

squill's Usage Examples:

Spring squill has blue anthers, these are the parts on the ends of the stamens which carry the pollen grains.

Nationally scarce plants found in London 's acid grassland include clustered clover, upright chickweed and autumn squill.

Among the short turf, fine grasses, sea plantain, buck's-horn plantain, sea pink and spring squill are prominent.

squilla, are sold as "cupshrimps" in some places.

Nationally scarce plants found in London's acid grassland include clustered clover, upright chickweed and autumn squill.

Bottlenoses feed on cuttle-fishes and squills, and are practically toothless; the only teeth which exist in the adult being a small pair at the front of the lower jaw, concealed beneath the gum during life.

The flowers were lovely -lots of pale blue spring squill, and the brilliant yellow of the birds ' foot trefoil.

- This group-name has been given to a large number of substances which have an action similar to that of the foxglove leaves, including the active principles of strophanthus, squill, Urechites suberecta, Convallaria majalis, Nerium Oleander, Helleborus niger, Antiaris toxicaria (the upas tree), and several others.

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