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sporophore Meaning in Tamil ( sporophore வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


sporophore's Usage Examples:

By this means the temperature of the sporophore is raised and the difference between it and the surrounding air may be one of several degrees.

Since in such cases the sporophore bears sexual cells, they may be conveniently termed gametophores.

sterile cells; c, cystidium, closed sporophores or with operculum o.

They are characterized by their gelatinous consistence and large size of their sporophore.

The term "receptacle" sometimes applied to these spore-bearing _ hyphae is better replaced by sporophore.

Most of Basidiomycetes are characterized by the large sporophore on which the basidia with its basidiospores are borne.

In these sporophores (such as the well-known toadstools and mushrooms where the ordinary vegetative mycelium is underground) we have structures specially developed for bearing the basidiospores and protecting them from rain, 'c.

, are borne on their external surfaces, it is quite consistent to speak of these as compound sporophores, 'c.

Compound sporophores arise when any of the branched or unbranched types of spore-bearing hyphae described above ascend into the air in consort, and are more or less crowded into definite layers, cushions, columns or other complex masses.

Exobasidium) the basidia are borne directly on the ordinary mycelium, but in the majority of cases the basidia are found developed in layers (hymenium) on special sporophores of characteristic form in the various groups.

us to cases where the main mass of the sporophore forms a supporting tissue of closely crowded or interwoven hyphae, the sporogenous terminal parts of the hyphae being found at the periphery or apical regions only.

The recent observations and exceedingly ingenious experiments of Falck have shown that the sporophores of the Basidiomycetesespecially the large sporophores of such forms as Boletus, Polyporus- contain quantities of reserve combustible material which are burnt up by the active metabolism occurring when the fruit-body is ripe.

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