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spontaneous Meaning in Tamil ( spontaneous வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தானே இயங்குகிற,

spontaneous's Usage Examples:

Acetylene has the property of inflaming spontaneously when brought in contact with chlorine.

At greater elevations in the interior, besides the above are met Corylus, the common walnut, found wild throughout the range, horse chestnut, yew, also Picea Webbiana, Pinus, excelsa, Abies Smithiana, Cedrus Deodara (which tree does not grow spontaneously east of Kumaon), and several junipers.

The problem for the agriculturist here is not irrigation, but drainage and keeping down spontaneous growths.

What Cousin finds psychologically in the individual consciousness, he finds also spontaneously expressed in the common sense or universal experience of humanity.

Sublimed sulphur also results from the spontaneous combustion of coal seams containing pyrites.

The liquid is spontaneously inflammable owing to the presence of free cacodyl, As2(CH3)4, which is also obtained by heating the oxide with zinc clippings in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide; it is a liquid of overpowering odour, and boils at 170° C.

In 1814 Tassaert observed the spontaneous formation of a blue compound, very similar to ultramarine, if not identical with it, in a soda-furnace at St Gobain, which caused the Societe pour l'Encouragement d'Industrie to offer, in 1824, a prize for the artificial production of the precious colour.

The former fall into the two classes of feelings (subjective) and perceptions (objective); the latter, according as the receptive or the spontaneous element predominates, into cognition and volition.

If, however, as is generally recognized, these poems are not the spontaneous and unstudied outpourings of passionate grief, but compositions of calculated art and studied effects, written for a purpose, it is obvious that they need not be contemporary.

In many cases sober convictions or submissive assent supplied the want of spontaneous enthusiasm.

Last week he suffered a spontaneous pneumothorax in his left lung.

These individuals have had the unfortunate occurrence of a spontaneous mutation, meaning that in their early development, some random genetic accident affected their X chromosome, resulting in the defect that causes hemophilia A or B.

By far his best work was the spontaneous and delightful Reminiscences of a Highland Parish (1867).


instinctive, self-generated, intuitive, natural, impulsive, unprompted,


unintelligent, artificial, loser, premeditated, induced,

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