<< spondaic spondees >>

spondee Meaning in Tamil ( spondee வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

ஈரழுத்த அசைச்சீர்


(கவிதை வகையில்) இரு நெடில் அசைச்சீர் (அ) ஈரெழுத்து அசைச் சீர்,

spondee's Usage Examples:

On the other hand, the Alexandrians admitted a spondee in the fifth foot, especially when the verse ends with a quadrisyllable.

S( selectae), in which a spondee is substituted for a trochee in the cadence, e.

"It was the tendency of these writers to use dactyls in preference to spondees with a view to lightness and rapidity.

Admitted soon after into the counting-house of a friend of his family, he "turned his stool into a Pegasus on three legs, every foot, of course, being a dactyl or a spondee"; but the uncongenial profession affected his health, which was never strong, and he was transferred to the care of his father's relations at Dundee.


metrical foot, foot, metrical unit,


ride, subtract, head,

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