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spirally Meaning in Tamil ( spirally வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

திருகுசுருள் வடிவாக

spirally's Usage Examples:

Shell spirally coiled; epipodial tentacles present; operculum thick and calcareous.

All rodents, with the sole exception of the dormice, have a caecum, often of great length and sacculated,, as in hares, the water-rat and porcupines; and the long colon in some, as the hamster and water-rat, is spirally twisted upon itself near the commencement.

This plant had a long, somewhat slender, ridged stem, the ridges corresponding to the decurrent bases of the spirally arranged leaves (fig.

'Except in the bongo and elands, horns are present only in the males, and these are angulated and generally spirally twisted, and without rings.

The spirally arranged petioles (Myeloxylon) were of great size, and their decurrent bases clothed the surface of the stem; their (From structure is closely similar to that Studies.

dult bucks, and easily recognized by the graceful, spirally twisted horns ornamenting the heads of that sex, is now the sole representative of the genus Antilope, formerly taken to embrace the whole of the true antelopes.

Threads of coloured molten glass were spirally coiled round the body, and, whilst still viscid, were dragged into zigzags with a metal hook.

The cones, about the size of a small walnut, bear spirally arranged imbricated scales which subtend the three-angled winged seeds.

It is true that many tame goats show spirally twisted horns recalling those of the under-mentioned Asiatic markhor; but in nearly all such instances it will be found that the spiral twists in the opposite direction.

In addition to tentacles, there may be marginal cirri (Laodice) with a solid endodermal axis, spirally coiled, very contractile, and bearing a terminal battery of nematocysts.

), spirally coiled in numerous close turns, motile, but apparently owing to flexile movements, as no cilia are found.

The latter arise from the crown of a spirally coiled archicarp (bearing an ascogonium at its end) and a straight antheridium.

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