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spica Meaning in Tamil ( spica வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


spica's Usage Examples:

Hamilton was by no means devoid of sense and acuteness, but in character he was one of the most despicable men then alive.

The iron tree (Parrotia persica), the silk acacia, Carpinus betulus, Quercus iberica, the box tree and the walnut flourish freely, as well as the sumach, the pomegranate, and the Gleditschia caspica.

spica plaster following surgery.

spicata (common Baneberry or Herb Christopher), A.

It is by sheer strength of thought, by the vigorous perspicacity with which he strikes the lines of cleavage of his subject, that he makes his way into the mind of the reader; in the presence of gifts of this power we need not quarrel with an ungainly style.

He had shown himself so incapable and apathetic that his followers were sick of fighting for such a despicable master.

Detective Sergeant Pete Hill from Nuneaton CID said, " This was a totally despicable act for which there can be no excuse.

What makes the whole thing even more despicable is the ever-so-slightly racist undertones of the suggestion.

 Though one of the worst of ministers, Bute was by no means the worst of men or the despicable and detestable person represented by the popular imagination.

) In haruspication, or the inspection of entrails, in scapulomancy or divination by the speal-bone or shoulder-blade, in divination by footprints in ashes, found in Australia, Peru and Scotland, the voluntary element is prominent, for the diviner must take active steps to secure the conditions necessary to divination.

The Jagiellos were rarely brilliant, but they were always perspicacious.

despicable incident: A long-ball characteristically bounces over Anton's head.

In the spicate forms, with sessile spikelets on the main axis, the latter is often dilated and flattened (Paspalum), or is more or less thickened and hollowed out (Stenotaphrum, Rottboellia, Tripsacum), when the spikelets are sunk and buried within the cavities.

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