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sperse Meaning in Tamil ( sperse வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



sperse's Usage Examples:

As a hungry herd of cattle keeps well together when crossing a barren field, but gets out of hand and at once disperses uncontrollably as soon as it reaches rich pastures, so did the army disperse all over the wealthy city.

Prehistoric sites were located on the characteristic mounds of the country, and some were superficially excavated; but most finds were accidental and unrecorded, and many were dispersed and lost.

It is obvious that the aerial particles are illuminated not only by the direct solar rays, but also by light dispersed from other parts of the atmosphere and from the earth's surface.

Rooks are wont to remove the nuts from the tree just before they fall, and to disperse them in various directions.

In such actions, instead of two crowds opposing each other, the men disperse, attack singly, run away when attacked by stronger forces, but again attack when opportunity offers.

But the bases of hagiology may fairly be said to have been laid at the time when hagiographic documents, hitherto dispersed, were first brought together into collections.

This was a medley of social, moral and religious reflections interspersed with casual thoughts about persons, events and art.

European slavers dispersed them across the Americas to lead lives of degradation and brutality, without thought for their personal lives.

In the north and west the clay is interspersed with patches of plateau gravel in the direction of Finchley (where boulder clay also appears), Enfield and Barnet; and of Bagshot sands on Hampstead Heath and Harrow Hill.

The cavalry, moving well in advance, dispersed the Prussian depots and captured their horses, as far as the line of the Vistula, where at last they encountered organized resistance from the outposts of Lestocq's little corps of 15,000 men - all that was left of Frederick the Great's army.

Thrashed guitar riffs are interspersed with some great anguished axe-man breaks, all underpinned with fuzzy bass sounds and a heavy rhythm.

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