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specious Meaning in Tamil ( specious வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வெளிக்கு சரியாகத் தோன்றி, உண்மையில் அவ்வாறு அல்லாத,

specious's Usage Examples:

to Athens no formal declaration of war but rather sought first to create some specious casus belli by sending requisitions to Athens.

envoy, General Savary, to lure him by specious promises to the frontier, and across it to Bayonne, where he was confronted with his parents and Godoy in a scene of pitiful degradation.

Is it a " contrivance of human wisdom, " or of human craft to obtain money from a nation under specious pretenses?Mr.

The rush of the Mahommedan flood sent terror all over Europe, but the little opposition it encountered south of the Pyrenees is to be easily explained, and the victory, though genuine, was more specious than substantial.

In 1850 his power of specious argument won back to him his Chicago constituents who had violently attacked him for not opposing the Fugitive Slave Law.

Nearly all his arguments, especially where he attempts to interpret Jefferson's writings on the point, notably the Kentucky resolutions, are rather strained and specious, but it does seem that the Virginia resolutions were based on a different idea from Calhoun's doctrine of nullification.

William of Orange was not deceived by the specious temporizing of the king.

But Mary had, under a specious pretext, recommenced to a slight extent the evil practice, and Elizabeth had gone a little further in the same direction.

3 By such specious allegories and Grecian fables Simon deceived many, while at the same time he astounded them by his magic.

From the specious promise of these political phantasmagoria grow outlandish Celtic dreams of an independence liberally financed by foreigners.

At one time, indeed, he found Lavoisier's views so specious that he was much inclined to accept them, but he overcame this wavering, and so late as 1800 he wrote to the Rev.

specious pretenses?In the Courts of Macedonia justice has long ceased to exist: justice means bribery, imprisonment under false pretenses, perhaps judicial murder.

There is evidence to show that by this munificence he hoped to draw out praises of his sovereign and himself; but this motive certainly is far from accounting for all the splendid, if in some cases specious, services that he rendered to literature, science and art.


false, spurious,


real, nonmetallic, true,

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