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special Meaning in Tamil ( special வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



special தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஒரு பொருளை எரிப்பதால் உருவாகும் கரி அமில வாயு புவியின் கால நிலை மாற்றங்களில் பின் விளைவுகளை ஏற்படுத்தும், இது ஒரு தனிவகையான மனிதன் உற்பத்தி செய்த பைங்குடில் விளைவு ஆகும், இதனை முதன் முதலாக ச்வந்தே அற்ஹீநியஸ் என்பவர் 1896 ஆண்டில் விளக்கி உள்ளார், இதனை "கால்லெண்டர் விளைவு" என்றும் கூறுவர்.

இதனாற்றான், இதனைத் தனிவகையான தீங்குயிலினம் என வரையறுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.

சுக்குராசியா (Chukrasia) சாதி ஒரு தனிவகையானது.

தமிழாக்கம் செய்ய வேண்டியுள்ள கட்டுரைகள் தீங்குயில் (Rhinortha chlorophaea) என்பது குயிற் குடும்பத்தைச் சேர்ந்த தனிவகையான தீங்குயிலினத்தின் தனித்த பறவையினமாகும்.

special's Usage Examples:

- Much of the evidence is contained in archaeological periodicals, especially Annual of the British School at Athens (1900-); Monumenti Antichi and Rendiconti d.

Gull and Sutton asserted that in particular states of body, and more especially in the condition associated with cirrhotic kidney, such a fibrosis becomes general, running, as they alleged it does, along the adventitia of arteries and spreading to their capillaries.

Other options, such as hands free and adjustable cosmetic mirrors, are also available to allow you to look your best even in awkward or unexpected conditions, especially when using a makeup mirror on a flat surface is impractical.

And the one to do it is the parent or the special teacher, not the school.

This is also necessary in the case of water used for syringing the plants, which should be done two or three times a day in all stoves and forcing-houses, especially during the period when the young growth is being developed.

Within the county a good quality of wine is produced, especially near the little town of Ruszt (pop.

Prices start at £ 95 lambskin Medically tanned lambskin that is used in special care units for babies.

Depending on the condition of the pipe it is either replaced using a specialist material or relined with a plastic coating.

It is designed with a special sealant to restrict seepage of air and water.

Granted, he's wearing regular soled shoes (still should have taken them off, especially on such an expensive boat), but he seems to tower over the two.

Especially characteristic is the great plain of La Mancha.

But the extra charges levied for the use of parlour, sleeping and other special cars, of which some of the best trains are exclusively composed, in practice constitute a differentiation of class, besides making the real cost of travelling higher than the figures just given.


specific, particular, peculiar,


normal, uncommonness, nonspecific, general,

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