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spar Meaning in Tamil ( spar வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

கப்பற் பாய்மரக்கழி

spar's Usage Examples:

In pegmatite (graphic granite) and granophyre it often forms a regular intergrowth with felspar.

The solubility of the various alums in water varies greatly, sodium alum being readily soluble in water, whilst caesium and rubidium alums are only sparingly soluble.

A system of transparent overlays was also developed to permit even more accurate up dating to be made.

When at a loss for good reasons, he had recourse to sophistry; and when heated by altercation, he made unsparing use of sarcasm and invective.

Sometimes stores have tailors or spare coats, cufflinks, or shoes if the ones you ordered do not fit.

As a girl coming from the beautiful French Island of Guadeloupe, I spent all my spare time beach side.

Blocks the malate / aspartate cycle by inhibiting glutamate - oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT ).

It is sparing in the use of personal pronouns, and prefers impersonal and elliptical diction.

It forms small needles, very sparingly soluble in water.

Practitioners within the penal system, have perhaps a tendency to disparage screen portrayals of prison for their lack of realism.

They are constructed of granite, and no expense has been spared in equipping them with hydraulic cranes, warehouses, 'c.

In 5802 she published the first of her really noteworthy books, the novel of Delphine, in which the "femme incomprise" was in a manner introduced to French literature, and in which she herself and not a few of her intimates appeared in transparent disguise.




fall short of, differ,

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