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sourly Meaning in Tamil ( sourly வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


sourly தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஒருவர் தனக்குள் அல்கையில் சிறிய அளவு புளிப்பு மாவை உள்ளெடுத்தால் முழுவதும் புளிப்பாய் மாறுகின்றது.

sourly's Usage Examples:

He glanced up sharply at her statement and regarded her sourly for a moment.

He had, however, already begun to look sourly upon Aristotle and the current scholastic theology, which he believed hid the simple truth of the gospel and the desperate state of mankind, who were taught a vain reliance upon outward works and ceremonies, when the only safety lay in throwing oneself on God's mercy.

He jerked the chain out of his truck and stared down at her sourly.

"No," she answered sourly.

"He had, however, already begun to look sourly upon Aristotle and the current scholastic theology, which he believed hid the simple truth of the gospel and the desperate state of mankind, who were taught a vain reliance upon outward works and ceremonies, when the only safety lay in throwing oneself on God's mercy.

"It's for you," he stated sourly.

"So you can collect your money?" she asked sourly.

He nodded, eyeing her sourly.

Decided to collect after all?"So you can collect your money?" she asked sourly.

Denton dabbed at his mouth with the cloth and stared sourly at the blood.

"Sweet talk," Josh said sourly as she walked away.

She stared sourly at Carmen a moment.

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