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source Meaning in Tamil ( source வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஆரம்ப இடம், உற்பத்தி ஸ்தானம், ஆதாரம், மூலம்,

source தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இதன் ஆரம்ப இடம் காவ் யாய் தேசிய பூங்காவிற்குள் உள்ளது.

நோய்க்கான ஆரம்ப இடம் மனம் என்பதை அறிந்து கொண்டார்.

source's Usage Examples:

tass athletes are also identified from other sources, including nominations to governing bodies from schools, colleges, and universities.

leftyalso has a great resource center full of left-handed information and a list of famous Australian lefties.

In both these cases the object of the rite is the elimination of impurity or of a source of danger.

Descriptive chemistry was now assuming considerable proportions; the experimental inquiries suggested by Boyle were being assiduously developed; and a wealth of observa tions was being accumulated, for the explanation of which the resources of the dominant theory were sorely taxed.

The source of the river is in the highlands of the Vindhyas, upwards of 2000 ft.

Raw unsalted kimchi is an excellent probiotic source, and you will know your food is alive and flourishing by the way the sauerkraut expands and pours out of the jar upon opening.

On the whole, greater weight is due to the evidence from botanical sources than to that derived from philology, particularly since the discovery both of the wild almond and of a form like a wild peach in Afghanistan.

As we learn to truly understand those food labels, we realize how important it is to feed a balanced, protein based diet to our pets, and avoid kibbles that are high in cereal fillers and unhealthy fat sources.

Oysters abound on the eastern coast, and on the shelving banks of a vast extent of the northern coast the pearl oyster is the source of a considerable industry.

The railways having the heaviest coal traffic are the North-Eastern, which monopolizes the traffic of Northumberland and Durham; the Midland, commanding the Derbyshire, Yorkshire and East Midland traffic, and some of the Welsh; the London ' North Western, whose principal sources are the Lancashire, Staffordshire 1 The figure 17.

Some schools offer Business degrees with specializations, including Communications, Accounting/Financial, Organizational Management, Human Resources Management, or Project Management.

There has been no more than the slightest beginning made in the utilization of these resources.

Parian marble, which is white and semi-transparent, with a coarse grain and a very beautiful texture, was the chief source of wealth to the island.


provenience, trail head, head, jumping-off place, provenance, derivation, birthplace, home, wellhead, trailhead, headspring, cradle, origin, beginning, wellspring, place of origin, root, spring, headwater, fountainhead, point, rootage, point of departure, point source,


purebred, foreign, let go of, closing, death,

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