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soldan Meaning in Tamil ( soldan வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



soldan's Usage Examples:

sea spurge Euphorbia paralias and the nationally scarce dune fescue Vulpia fasciculata are frequent, while sea bindweed Calystegia soldanella is very local.

in a crusade to north Africa, where the French king died of fever, and Charles, after defeating the soldan of Tunis, returned to Sicily.

It is true that the Florentine Simone Sigoli, who visited Cairo in 1384, in his Viaggio al Monte Sinai still speaks of "Presto Giovanni" as a monarch dwelling in India; but it is the India which is conterminous with the dominions of the soldan of Egypt, and whose lord is master of the Nile, to close or open its discharge upon Egypt.

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