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socialistic Meaning in Tamil ( socialistic வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



socialistic's Usage Examples:

In nearly every state there still existed, as survivals of the old days, laws forbidding the union of different political associations with one another, and all unions or associations of working men which followed political, socialistic or communispic ends.

Hungary there is a growing tendency to socialistic poetry, to the " poetry of misery " (A nyomor kolteszete).

During the great sailors' strike at Marseilles in 1904 he showed pronounced sympathy with the socialistic aims and methods of the strikers, and a strong feeling was aroused that his Radical sympathies tended to a serious weakening of the navy and to destruction of discipline.

It was markedly anti-socialistic.

It will be seen that the net result of Lassalle's life was to produce a European scandal, and to originate a socialistic movement in Germany, which, at the election of 1903, returned to the Reichstag eighty-one members and polled 3,010,771 votes, and at the election of 1907 returned forty-three members and polled 3,258,968 votes.

Its most important industrial establishments are the mirror manufactory of St Gobain and the chemical works at Chauny, and the workshops and foundries of Guise, the property of an association of workpeople organized on socialistic lines and producing iron goods of various kinds.

Antoine (1847) are all socialistic novels, though they are much more, and good in spite of the socialism.

He now retired to his estate at Menilmontant, near Paris, where with forty disciples, all of them men, he continued to carry out his socialistic views.

Shaw joined the Fabian Society in 1884, a year after its formation, and was active in socialistic propaganda, both as a street orator and as a pamphleteer.

It would be tempting to characterize Roosevelt's remarks as socialistic.


collectivistic, collectivized, collective, socialist, state-controlled, left, collectivist, collectivised,


right-handed, distributive, capitalistic, center, right,

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