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snub Meaning in Tamil ( snub வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


snub's Usage Examples:

The mensuration of the cube, and its relations to other geometrical solids are treated in the article Polyhedron; in the same article are treated the Archimedean solids, the truncated and snubcube; reference should be made to the article Crystallography for its significance as a crystal form.

He didn't spend much time at the hospital because the step father is a prune and he snubbed Julie.

His neighbor on the other side, who lay motionless some distance from him with his head thrown back, was a young soldier with a snub nose.

This results in a snub to the earthly beauty Guinevere, and the hero spends the rest of his days attempting to recapture the unattainable beauty of his fairy love.

Jovanovic: but the latter's full report to his home Government was answered by a severe snub, and during the winter he too was dismissed for his Yugoslav sentiments.

snub nose with a straight bridge.

A casual mistake, a calculated snub, or a snooty in-joke?Being stuck-up, snooty, or just plain down on yourself never scored anyone any points.

snub lines onto the vehicles bumpers.

A casual mistake, a calculated snub, or a snooty in-joke?The snub cube is a 38-faced solid having at each corner 4 triangles and I square; 6 faces belong to a cube, 8 to the coaxial octahedron, and the remaining 24 to no regular solid.

Nicky Hilton brushed the snub off by saying that she and Paris are too busy to attend a silly old wedding anyway.

Maddie was upset when Karen snubbed a girls ' night out to see Taylor.

The safety of the dogs and musher was paramount and the safety briefings would cover the use of snub lines onto the vehicles bumpers.


disregard, treat, handle, cut, do by, ignore,


deflate, lengthen, inflate, right, notice,

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