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snap Meaning in Tamil ( snap வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


snap's Usage Examples:

whippersnapper named Callum came on after the break.

It's not hard to go from occasional picture snapper to snap happy parent once your bundle of joy arrives into the world.

particularly like those Ozzfest snapshots in Throwdown's diary.

The king fish and tarpon are hunted for sport, while mullet, shad, redsnappers, pompano, trout, sheepshead and Spanish mackerel are of great economic value.

He picked up a newspaper and snapped it open, his attention instantly captured by something he found in its crinkled pages.

Visitors to each cemetery report groans, sighs and banging sounds from within the aboveground crypts, while those nearing Marie Laveau's tomb snap photos of orbs, apparitions, and strange mists rising from her grave.

logged gabby BPA Forum Newbie Can I have a refund?anole lizard was snapped by the last year's overall winner of Young Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Gabby Salazar.

In an era when cameras were cumbersome and the number of channels on TV could be counted on one hand with enough fingers left over to snap, very little video of any kind was seen.

A very confident young whippersnapper named Callum came on after the break.

Along with the laurel wreath, he was a snappy dresser.

He was coiled and ready to snap if the Watcher so much as looked at her too long.

She crammed the last shirt into the suitcase and held it down while she snapped it shut.

Although large buttons and zippers might look appealing, Velcro or snaps usually offer easier opening, especially when you are holding onto to a wiggly baby!You can choose car seat covers with zippers or without.


talk, snarl, verbalise, mouth, speak, utter, verbalize,


shorten, decrease, relax, unstrain, autumnal equinox,

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