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smelting Meaning in Tamil ( smelting வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஒரு வகை உணவு மீன்,

smelting's Usage Examples:

In the Carboniferous Limestone series, the purer kinds of limestone are used for the manufacture of lime, bleaching powder and similar products, also as a flux in the smelting of iron; some of the less pure varieties are used in making cement.

As any given region is opened up by railways, cheapening transportation, milling is apt to give way to smelting.

The " Welsh process " closely resembles the English method; the main difference consists in the enrichment of the matte by smelting with the rich copper-bearing slags obtained in subsequent operations.

The want of limestone for flux, within easy reach, is generally a great drawback as regards iron-smelting in India.

The difficulty of smelting the ore was probably one reason for this, as well as the now forgotten skill which enabled bronze to be tempered to a steel-like edge.

The process adopted for the Canadian ores, which are poor in copper and nickel, consists in a preliminary roasting in heaps and smelting in a blast furnace in order to obtain a matte, which is then further smelted with a siliceous flux for a rich matte.

) acquired here some ninety acres on which were built four blast furnaces and six Siemens' smelting furnaces.

For burning in close stoves and furnaces, larch makes tolerably good fuel, its value being estimated by Hartig as only one-fifth less than that of beech; the charcoal is compact, and is in demand for iron-smelting and other metallurgic uses in some parts of Europe.

In some processes of lead-smelting, where the minerals treated contain sand, the long calciner is provided with a melting bottom close to the fire-place, so that the desulphurized ore leaves the furnace as a glassy slag or silicate, which is subsequently reduced to the metallic state by fusion with fluxes in blast furnaces.

The mines once produced 3000 tons of metal annually, copper smelting being largely carried on, but have now almost ceased working.

Apparently then glazing went together with the working of the copper ores, and probably accidental slags in the smelting gave the first idea of using glaze intentionally.

The cost derives from the application of huge amounts of energy, intelligence, and technology to obtain and process the raw materials: digging and smelting to create high-grade steel, harvesting and refining and molding to make rubber parts, and so on.


sparling, rainbow smelt, capelan, family Osmeridae, caplin, Osmerus eperlanus, European smelt, Osmeridae, capelin, malacopterygian, soft-finned fish, Osmerus mordax,


disassemble, unemotionality, anestrus, coldness, spiny-finned fish,

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