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slake Meaning in Tamil ( slake வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

விடாய் தணி


(சுண்ணாம்பு) தாளி,

slake's Usage Examples:

If Xander didn't feed now, he was going to go on a rampage and slaughter half the apartment building to slake his hunger.

The amorphous form readily slakes with water, and the aqueous solution yields a crystalline hydrated hydroxide approximating in composition to Sr(OH) 2.

The alkaloid is obtained from an aqueous extract of tobacco by distillation with slaked lime, the distillate being acidified with oxalic acid, concentrated to a syrup and decomposed by potash.

When the gas had to be purified from carbon disulphide as well as from sulphuretted hydrogen, slaked lime was employed for the removal of carbon dioxide and the greater quantity of the sulphur compounds, whilst a catch box or purifier of oxide of iron served to remove the last traces of sulphuretted hydrogen.

To be of service the lime should be what is known as "hydraulic," that is, not pure or "fat," but containing some argillaceous matter, and should be carefully slaked with water before being mixed with the aggregate.

These may slake slowly in the finished cement and cause such expansion as may destroy the work of which it forms part.

slakeyou are involved in a large project it is cheaper to make your own lime putty by slaking quicklime.

slake the arrowroot in a little water and using a whisk mix little by little until you have a sauce consistency.

The quicklime as quarried from the bluffs slakes perfectly, and with sand makes a fairly good mortar, without calcination or other previous preparation.

This substance absorbs and combines with water very greedily, at the same time becoming very hot, and falling into a fine dry powder,' calcium hydroxide or slaked lime, which when left in the open slowly combines with the carbon dioxide of the air and becomes calcium carbonate, from which we began.

To ensure this being properly done, the lumps of lime should be broken up small, and enough water to slake them should be added, the lime then being allowed to rest for about forty-eight hours, when the water changes the particles of quicklime to hydrate of lime, and breaks up the hard lumps into a powder.

This slakes violently with water, giving slaked lime, which can be made into a smooth paste with water and mixed with sand to form common mortar.


lessen, slack, minify, abate, decrease,


break even, fire, break, empty, increase,

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