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sinecure Meaning in Tamil ( sinecure வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வேலையின்றி சம்பளம் மாத்திரம் உள்ள உத்தியோகம்,

sinecure தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


sinecure's Usage Examples:

He took orders on his presentation to the vicarage of Bridstow in the following year, and a small sinecure living in Wales was besides procured for him by his friend Samuel Molyneux (1689-1728).

Because they have sinecures to defend, not God.

Some small foundations had become sinecures for clerics who appropriated all the income.

On his return to Spain, Moratin was tonsured and presented to a sinecure benefice in the diocese of Burgos, and in 1786 his first play, ET Viejo y la nina, was produced at the Teatro del Principe.

Upon quitting his professorship Barrow was only a fellow of Trinity College; but his uncle gave him a small sinecure in Wtles, and Dr Seth Ward, bishop of Salisbury, conferred upon him a prebend in that church.

This event was celebrated by Delavigne in a Dithyrambe sur la naissance du roi de Rome, which secured for him a sinecure in the revenue office.

The expectation of obtaining these sinecures drew young men towards the church in considerable numbers, and the class of abbes so formed - abbes de tour they were sometimes called, and sometimes (ironically) abbes de sainte esperance, abbes of St Hope - came to hold a recognized position.

He declined the offer of the chair of philosophy in the university in 1723, but accepted, in 1727, the sinecure office of librarian to the city of his adoption.

5 to 6 millions for the army and navy, as much more for civil administration (including more than two millions for purely Peninsular services with which the colony was burdened); and on an average probably one million more went for sinecures.

He at once applied himself to moral and administrative reform; declared against nepotism, introduced economy, abolished sinecures, wiped out the deficit (at the same time reducing rents), closed the gaming-houses, and issued a number of sumptuary ordinances.

In order to disillusion anyone who may think that my position was a sinecure, I shall now digress.


spot, situation, billet, position, berth, office, place, post,


disarrange, deglycerolize, electronic mail, email, e-mail,

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