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shoots Meaning in Tamil ( shoots வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பலமாய் எறி, அம்ப எறி, சுடு,

shoots's Usage Examples:

Equisetites columnaris, a common fossil in the Jurassic plant-beds of the Yorkshire coast, represents another type with relatively stout and occasionally branched vegetative shoots, bearing leaf-sheaths very like those of Equisetum maximum and other Horsetails.

"It is a matter of familiar observation that the ends of the shoots of brambles take root when bent down to the ground.

Our general conclusion from a survey of the Arthropoda amounts to this, that whilst Peripatus, the Diplopoda, and the Arachnida represent terrestrial offshoots from successive lower grades of primitive aquatic Arthropoda which are extinct, the Crustacea alone present a fairly full series of representatives leading upwards from unspecialized forms.

Their food is entirely vegetable, especially grass roots and stalks, shoots of dwarf birch, reindeer lichens and mosses, in search of which they form, in winter, long galleries through the turf or under the snow.

"The fungus assails all the green parts of the vine, and injures the leaves and young shoots as much as it does the grape itself.

Still, as in the laburnum just mentioned, in the variegated jasmine and in Abutilon Darwinii, in the copper beech and in the horse-chestnut, the influence of a variegated scion has occasionally shown itself in the production from the stock of variegated shoots.

He steers it towards a shelf of rock, called in Russ's time Tell's Platte, springs on shore, shoots the bailiff dead with his crossbow, and goes back to Uri, where he stirs up the great strife which ended in the battle of Morgarten.

Establish a dictatorship, protect a government which shoots demonstrators in the city?Police said they had arrested 45 demonstrators who tried to enter Munich to join the ad-hoc protests.

niger), go after the aphids that frequent the shoots of plants.

from the neighborhood of Padua to Este, and separated from the lower offshoots of the Alps by a portion of the wide plain of Padua.

The firs are distinguished from the pines and larches by having their needle-like leaves placed singly on the shoots, instead of growing in clusters from a sheath on a dwarf branch.

In this well-known variety the young shoots are but slightly angled, and the branches in the second year become round; the deltoid short-pointed leaves are usually straight or even rounded at the base, but sometimes are slightly cordate; the capsules ripen in Britain about the middle of May.


strike, gun down, pip, hit, blast, kneecap, wound, grass, injure,


providence, recuperate, inactivity, undeceive, undershoot,

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