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shipper Meaning in Tamil ( shipper வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கப்பல் ஏற்றுமதி செய்பவர்,

shipper's Usage Examples:

Speaking with other professionals who depend on the service, quality, and responsiveness of the drop shipper can give you a good idea of what to expect if you enter into a business relationship with the company.

The blood rains through the platform on to the priest below, who receives it on his face, and even on his tongue and palate, and after the baptism presents himself before his fellow-worshippers purified and regenerated, and receives their salutations and reverence.

The symbol of the Bacchic orgies was a consecrated serpent, and the snakes kept in the sacred cistae of the cult of Dionysus find a parallel among the sect of the Ophites where, at the sacramental rites, bread was offered to the living serpent and afterwards distributed among the worshippers.

In spite of his iconoclastic sympathies, he endeavoured to conciliate the image-worshippers, but incurred the wrath of the monks by entering into a second marriage with Euphrosyne, daughter of Constantine VI.

In the latter usage it indicated not that the god was the lord of the worshipper, but rather the possessor of, or ruler in, some place or district.

But he had little success, and soon concluded a treaty by which both empires promised toleration to the worshippers of the two rival religions, Christianity and Zoroastrianism.

He is an earnest worshipper of the Virgin, but a bold and vigorous hater of monks and abbots.

It held shipper as well as carrier, and corporation as well as its officer or agent, liable for violations of the act, and conferred upon United States courts power to employ equity processes in putting an end to discrimination.

) The essential feature of this type was that the god and his worshippers shared the sacrifice and might thus be regarded as commensals, or table companions.

Since the epoch of Alexander the Great IIarran had been a famous centre of pagan and Hellenistic culture; its people were Syrian heathens, star-worshippers versed in astrology and magic.

) In the mystical sacrifice the god is himself slain and eaten by his worshippers.

Indeed, Chaitanya himself, as well as his immediate disciples, have come to be regarded as complete or partial incarnations of the deity to whom adoration is due, as to Krishna himself; and their modern successors, the Gosains, share to the fullest extent in the devout attentions of the worshippers.




upper-class, lower-class,

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