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shells Meaning in Tamil ( shells வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கிளிஞ்சல் சிப்பி,

shells's Usage Examples:

Many indications of ice action are found in these islands; striated surfaces are to be seen on the cliffs in Eday and Westray, in Kirkwall Bay and on Stennie Hill in Eday; boulder clay, with marine shells, and with many boulders of rocks foreign to the islands (chalk, oolitic limestone, flint, 'c.

Protohydra occurs in oysterbanks and Monobrachium also grows on the shells of bivalves, and both these hydroids probably fish in the currents produced by the lamellibranchs.

Cowry >>Cowry shells and brass beads ornament and give weight to the fringe.

For summer months, chose a beach or water theme and add large shells such as conch or starfish along with a fish net.

tread on eggshells with him because you wouldn't know when he'd fly off the handle.

From different sides came whistling sounds and the thud of cannon balls and bursting shells falling on the town.

"We also went nutting, and I helped them open the chestnut burrs and break the shells of hickory-nuts and walnuts--the big, sweet walnuts!Hickory, chestnut, locust, maple, beech, dogwood, and pawpaw are widely distributed.

The adductor muscles placed in the concavity of the shells act upon the long arms of the lever at a mechanical advantage; their contraction keeps the shells shut, and stretches the ligament or spring h.

Which parts of broken eggshells would you attribute to your own experiences?A mild abrasive such as rice or crushed eggshells can be used inside containers.

The Franco-German War engaged Flach's activities in other directions, and he spent two years (described in his Strasbourg apres le bonabardement, 1873) at work on the rebuilding of the library and the museum, which had been destroyed by Prussian shells.

Intel inside CeBit clashes with Intel's Developer Forum in California, so the chipmaker might not deliver too many bombshells in Hanover.

Link can also collect Seashells now, which in turn can be traded in for collectible figurines.


shrapnel, whizbang, tank shell, artillery shell, shotgun shell, ammo, whizbang shell, ammunition, whizzbang,


victory, unfreeze, unblock, inadvisable, comparable,

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