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shameless Meaning in Tamil ( shameless வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



shameless தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அவர் இந்த விழாவை வெட்கமற்றதாகவும் இந்திய கலாச்சாரத்திற்கு முரணானதாகவும் இருப்பதாகத் தெரிவித்தார்.

தி கமிட்டி ஃபார் தி ப்ராபகேஷன் ஆஃப் வர்ச்சு அண்ட் ப்ரிவன்ஷன் ஆஃப் வைசஸ், "யூத பார்பி பொம்மைகளும், அவற்றின் உடலை வெளிக் காட்டும் உடைகள், வெட்கமற்ற அமைப்புக்கள், உடன் வரும் பொருட்கள் மற்றும் கருவிகள் ஆகியவையும் மேற்கத்திய அழிவின் வக்கிரம் பிடித்த ஒரு சின்னம்தான்.

" தங்களது 2003ஆம் ஆண்டிற்கான வெளியீட்டில் ரோலிங் ஸ்டோன் , தி லாங் ரோட் "கற்பனை வளமற்றது என்றில்லாவிடினும், வெட்கமற்ற முறையில் நிலையிசைவு கொள்ளாதது" என்றும் கூறியது.

shameless's Usage Examples:

All posts of dignity and emolument were kept for their personal adherents, and a new and formidable dignity was conferred on Mortimer himself, when he was made both justiciar of the principality of Wales, and also earl of March, in which lay both his own broad lands and the estates of Despenser and Arundel, which he had shamelessly appropriated.

We in Scotland have already seen how they will shamelessly exploit anything they believe can further their extremist cause.

The insults of Talleyrand, and his shameless attempts to extort bribes from the American commissioners, roused the deep anger of the people against France.

Note: This feature was shamelessly plagiarized from bash.

Many of the above shamelessly nicked from this forum (thanks Gordon ).

Gradually people became sick of openly avowed gallantry, of shameless libertinism, of moral obliquity and of the flattering artifices of vice; a long shudder ran through the selfish torpor of the social body.

Impoverished by these different causes, as well as by prodigal extravagance in interior expenditure, by shameless venality among the ruling classes, and by continual wars, of which the cost, whether they were successful or not, was enormous, the public treasury was frequently empty.

At no other historical crisis have passions been more fiercely excited; at none have shameless disregard of truth and blind credulity been more common.

Hollywood stars now shamelessly don costume pieces.

bespectacled geek into a shameless poster boy.

He created many new offices and shamelessly sold them.

The contrast lay between the Dominical Supper or food and drink shared unselfishly by all with all, and the private supper, the feast of Dives, shamelessly gorged under the eyes of timid and shrinking Lazarus.

Here they were on safe ground, for the misdeeds of Lord Latimerthe kings chamberlain, Lord Nevillehis steward, Richard Lyonshis financial agent, and Alice Perrershis greedy and shameless mistress, had been so flagrant that it was hard for Lancaster to Ov~hn~ defend them.


unblushing, unashamed,


repentant, penitent, ashamed,

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