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serpentine Meaning in Tamil ( serpentine வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பாம்பின் பண்பைக் கொண்டிருக்கிற, சூழ்ச்சி உடைய,

serpentine's Usage Examples:

They include gypsum, dolomite, conglomerates, phyllites, and a basic series of eruptive rocks (gabbros, peridotites, serpentines).

The fortifications consist of the upper fortress, on a lofty serpentine rock rising abruptly from the plain on three sides, and of the lower fortress at the northern base of the rock.

In the south and west the sedimentary rocks most largely developed are of ancient, pre-Carboniferous date, interrupted by considerable patches of granite, serpentine and other crystalline rocks.

Sculptured panels, with conventional motives, peacocks, eagles devouring hares, peacocks drinking from a cup on a tall pillar, are let into both exterior and interior walls, as are roundels of precious marbles, sawn from columns of porphyry, serpentine, verd antique, 'c.

The oldest rocks exposed are gneiss, talc-schist and serpentine, with intrusive masses of gabbro and diabase.

It is not infrequently found in serpentine, and in basic eruptive rocks, where it occurs as veins and in amygdales.

It consisted of a restaurant area, a large serpentine shaped bar and another room off to the side with two pool tables and a jukebox.

In general, each shoot makes one layer, but in plants like the Wistaria or Clematis, which make long shoots, what is called serpentine layering may be adopted; that is, the shoot is taken alternately below and above the surface, as frequently as its length permits.

A more or less continuous band of serpentine belonging to this series forms the principal watershed, although it nowhere rises to any great height.

From Bagdad downward, the course of the Tigris is peculiarly serpentine and shifting.

The hills, which are mainly composed of granite, serpentine and syenite, rise in irregular masses to considerable heights, the loftiest point, Victoria Peak, reaching an altitude of 1825 ft.

Larger deposits of serpentine occur at several places in St Lawrence county; and at Warwick, in Orange county, is some beautiful marble of a carmine-red colour occasionally mottled with white or showing white veins.


snaky, snakelike, curving, curved,


aligned, form, contour, shape, straight,

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