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semitone Meaning in Tamil ( semitone வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

அரைச்சுர அலகு

semitone's Usage Examples:

semitones as required.

The Halberstadt pitch is nearly a semitone higher, which again agrees with the statement of Praetorius, and also Schlick's high C organ.

a semitone, give two beats per second, while the same number of beats are given by notes of 32 X 16 (four octaves higher than the first of the preceding) or 512, and 514 vibrations, which are only slightly out of tune.

The interval corresponding to the octave being divided into seven equal parts, each about 14 semitone, it follows that Siamese music sounds strange in Western ears.

the greater tone, lesser tone, and diatonic semitone of modern music.

To meet this exigency, Zarlino proposed that for the lute the octave should be divided into twelve equal semitones; and after centuries of discussion this system of "equal temperament" has, within the last thirty-five years, been universally adopted as the best attainable for keyed instruments of every description.

"But a positive identity of pitch cannot be claimed for any period of time, and certainly not for the early organs; the foot-rule of the organ-builder, which had to do with the lengths of the pipes, and which varied in every country and province, could easily cause a difference of a semitone.

§ 388) thought that if the intensity of response by a given resonator in the ear to its own tone is taken as i, then its response to an equally loud tone a semitone different may be taken as about.

The chanter, based on the Highland pattern is longer and fitted with keywork to extend the compass and give semitones as required.

I had no idea the PAL speedup meant nearly a semitone increse.

The key to making these beats sound decent is pitching them down several semitones - this gives them a trashy feel.

The Hampton Court organ of 1690 shows that Schmidt had further lowered his pitch a semitone, to a' 441 7.

A number of keys for semitone progression can also be accommodated.


musical interval, half step, interval,


closed interval, open interval,

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