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sedulous Meaning in Tamil ( sedulous வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


உழைப்பாளியான, விடாமுயற்சியுள்ள,

sedulous தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

எனவே, புனித இரபேல் ஆர்னாய்ஸ் பரோன், புனித பிரான்சிஸ் சவேரியார், உழைப்பாளியான புனித இசிதோர், புனித மரியா தொர்ரீபியா, புனித அவிலா தெரசா, புனித லொயோலா இஞ்ஞாசி, புனித அவிலா யோவான், புனித லீமா ரோஸ், புனித சிலுவை யோவான், மற்றும் முத்.

sedulous's Usage Examples:

He remembered how carefully and at what length everything relating to form and procedure was discussed at those meetings, and how sedulously and promptly all that related to the gist of the business was evaded.

The hope of eventual emancipation was stimulated by sedulous propagandists from each of these countries; from time to time armed bands of insurgents were manned and equipped in the small neighbouring states, with or without the co-operation of the governments.

The first example of polite controversial irony since Lucian, the Provinciales have continued to be the best example of it during more than two centuries in which the style has been sedulously practised, and in which they have furnished a model to generation after generation.

It is alleged to have been found growing wild between the Euphrates and the Tigris; but the discovery has never been authenticated, and unless the plant be sedulously cared for, the species p dies out in a surprisingly short space of time.

Unsurprisingly, given sedulous clerical attention over a period of weeks, many prisoners proved responsive to the call for repentance.

It must be borne in mind that the Boers of every grade have always been more or less sedulously instructed in religious subjects, at all events to the extent required to fit them for formal membership of their church, and in all their wanderings they have usually been attended by their pastors.

Their grudge against their father was sedulously fostered by~ their mother Eleanor, a clever and revengeful woman, who could never forgive her husband for keeping her in the background in political matters and insulting her by his frequent amours.

The followers of his creed, amongst whom there are many wealthy merchants and bankers, direct their worship chiefly to Gopal Lal, the boyish Krishna of Vrindavana, whose image is sedulously attended like a revered living person eight times a day - from its early rising from its couch up to its retiring to repose at night.

In most temperate climates, artificial heating is necessary, at least occasionally, in many cases, but the tendency has been to be more sedulous of warmth than of ventilation.

The success of this very useful scheme was due chiefly to his sedulous interest and help.

Here we find less evidence of sedulous workmanship, yet not infrequently a piercing sweetness, a depth of emotion, a sincere and spontaneous lovableness, which are irresistibly touching and inspiring.


assiduous, diligent,


negligent, idle, careless,

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