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secretions Meaning in Tamil ( secretions வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கசியும் பொருள், விலங்கு, தாவரம் ஆகியவற்றில் பால் (அ) குருதி போன்றவற்றின் கசிவு,

secretions தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இதனை நீருடன் வெப்பப்படுத்தும் போது கடின கசியும் பொருள் கிடைக்கின்றது.

இவை ஒளி கசியும் பொருள்கள் என அழைக்கப் படுகின்றன.

அடர் பழுப்பு நிறத்துடன் காணப்படும் ஒளிகசியும் பொருள் ஆகுமிது ஆஸ்திரேலியாவின் கூரங் மாவட்டத்தில் கிடைக்கிறது.

secretions's Usage Examples:

They feed on epidermal tissue debris, parts of feathers, sebaceous secretions and blood.

The peculiar odour evolved by many rodents is due to the secretions of special glands, which may open into the prepuce, as in Mus, Microtus and Cricetus, or into the rectum, as in Arctomys and Thryonomys, or into the passage common to both, as in the beaver, or into pouches opening near the vent, as in hares, agoutis and jerboas.

That these are stages on the way to proteids has been inferred from the fact that when proteids are split up by various means, and especially by the digestive secretions, these nitrogen-containing acids are among the products which result.

"Schizomycetes exist in every part of the alimentary canal of animals, except, perhaps, where acid secretions prevail; these are by no means necessarily harmful, though, by destroying the teeth for instance, certain forms may incidentally be the forerunners of damage which they do not directly cause.

They will not urinate, relieve nature, spit, or have any nasal secretions.

It is now known that similar internal secretions, or hormones, pass into the blood from every organ and tissue, so reaching and affecting every part of the body.

Many children may wish to perform oral hygiene measures after therapy to lessen the poor taste of the secretions they have expectorated.

The hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice is stated to convert any salt of quinine into a chloride, and it seems probable that the absorption of quinine takes place mainly from the stomach, for when the drug reaches the alkaline secretions of the duodenum it is precipitated, and probably none of it is thereafter absorbed.

Expectorants increase the bronchial secretions; antispasmodics relax the spasm of the muscular coat of the bronchial tubes, e.

Loss of gastric secretions, therefore, results in a metabolic alkalosis.

An assistant thumps the rib cage to help loosen the secretions.

It has in addition a markedly depressing action upon the respiratory centre, it lessens all the secretions except the sweat, and diminishes bowel peristalsis and the size of the pupil.

When obstruction occurs, regardless of cause, food, gas, and secretions from within the intestine will accumulate above the point of obstruction, bloating (distending) the affected portion of intestine.


hypersecretion, galactosis, biological process, organic process, secernment, salivation,


anovulation, ovulation, development,

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