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scribed Meaning in Tamil ( scribed வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


scribed தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அங்கு ஒரு படத்தில் வேறு எழுத்துக்கோர்வை இருக்கும் அதிலுள்ள எழுத்துக்கள் கோணல்மாணலாகவும் மங்கியதாகவும், இன்னும் அந்த எழுத்துக்கோர்வையின் மேல் கிறுக்கியும் இருக்கும்.

புகுபதிகையின் போதோ, பின்னூட்டத்தின்போதோ இணையதளங்களில் ஒரு படமும் அதில் பெரிய அளவிளான எழுத்துக்கள் நெளிந்தும் குழிந்தும் கோணல்மாணலாகவோ, மங்கியதாகவோ, அல்லது அதன்மீது கிறுக்கியுமோ இருக்கக் காண்பீர்கள்.

scribed's Usage Examples:

About fifty species of Saccharomyces are described more or less completely, but since many of these cannot be distinguished by the microscope, and some have been found to develop physiological races or varieties under special conditions of - ?u growth, the limits are still far too ill-defined for complete ep botanical treatment of the genus.

If you've visited your family physician or a podiatrist, you'll likely be prescribed an anti-fungal cream, foot powder or an oral prescription such as Sporanox, Lamisil or Diflucan.

A milder form of penalty was the temporary separation or seclusion (niddah) prescribed for ceremonial uncleanness.

I took up the chip on which the three I have particularly described were struggling, carried it into my house, and placed it under a tumbler on my window-sill, in order to see the issue.

Martin described the visceral and osteological anatomy of one which had been received alive the preceding year.

unearned premiums is described in note 2(f ).

"the Brahman or superintending priest; the Hotri or reciter of hymns and verses; the Udgatri or chanter; and the Adhvaryu or offerer, who looks after the details of the ceremonial, including the preparation of the offering-ground, the construction of fireplaces and altars, the making of oblations and muttering of the prescribed formulae.

The works which have made Port Natal the finest harbour in South Africa are described under Durban.

The agora is of unsymmetrical form; its sides are bordered by porticoes, interrupted by streets, like the primitive agora of Elis as described by Pausanias, and unlike the regular agoras of Ionic type.

Other catacombs in the vicinity of the same city are described by Pocock and other travellers, and are figured by Agincourt.

It is located near an old tinner 's reservoir and consists of a single rough set stone inscribed with the letter ' H '.

The foundation of the abbey of St Maurice (Agaunum) in the Valais is usually ascribed to Sigismund of Burgundy (515).


mark, nock, score,


hirer, master, Simon Legree, mistress,

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