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scornful Meaning in Tamil ( scornful வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வெறுப்பு மிக்க, இகழ்ச்சியான,

scornful's Usage Examples:

The archbishop answered with words as scornful as their own, and took his way to the minster to attend vespers.

"You cannot wager something you do not own," past-Death said scornfully.

"The book is remembered solely through Goethe's scornful attack on its want of taste; its immediate effect was to produce Bahrdt's expulsion from Giessen.

As all peaceful proposals were scornfully rejected, Lord Amherst was compelled to declare war in 1824.

She stopped and smiled scornfully.

I drew myself up, and looking at him scornfully said, " You insolent scoundrel!The epithet then scornfully applied to him of "Clemency" Canning is now remembered only to his honour.

I drew myself up, and looking at him scornfully said, You insolent scoundrel !He doffed his Circassian cap to his master and looked at him scornfully.

With its huge ungainly limbs sprawling unsymmetrically, and its gnarled hands and fingers, it stood an aged, stern, and scornful monster among the smiling birch trees.

In letting me through the trout fishers usually cast a scornful eye at me as a salmon toff.

He was the very opposite of Richelieu, as wheedling in his ways as the other had been haughty and scornful, as devoid of vanity and rancour as Richelieu had been full of jealous care for his authority; he was gentle where the other had been passionate and irritable, with an intelligence as great and more supple, and a far more grasping nature.

"Seems to me the same way," said Billina, scornfully, "if that beastly cat is one of them.

Mr Francis Gribble has summed up her characterin" a scornful, insular way " as a light woman.

"Meanwhile, Mehemet Ali had scornfully rejected the offers of the Porte; he would be content with nothing but the concession of his full demands - Syria, Icheli, Aleppo, Damascus and Adana.


disdainful, insulting, contemptuous, disrespectful,


reverent, courteous, inoffensive, unsarcastic, respectful,

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