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scorbutic Meaning in Tamil ( scorbutic வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

சொறி நோயாளி

scorbutic's Usage Examples:

Citric acid is used in calico printing, also in the preparation of effervescing draughts, as a refrigerant and sialogogue, and occasionally as an antiscorbutic, instead of fresh lemon juice.

The town owes its prosperity to its beautiful situation in a fine valley surrounded by mountains, and possesses a tepid mineral spring, considered efficacious in cases of general debility and for scorbutic and consumptive complaints.

The monotypic Pringlea antiscorbutica, the Kerguelen Island cabbage, has no near ally in the southern hemisphere, but is closely related to the northern Cochlearia.

antiscorbutic, this is said also to have diuretic properties; it was.

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