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scholastics Meaning in Tamil ( scholastics வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மாணாக்கனுக்குக் கொடுக்கப்படும் உபகாரச் சம்பளம், பள்ளிக் கல்விக்குரிய, கற்றறிந்தோரிக்குரிய,


மாணாக்கனுக்குக் கொடுக்கப்படும் உபகாரச் சம்பளம், பள்ளிக் கல்விக்குரிய, கற்றறிந்தோரிக்குரிய,

scholastics's Usage Examples:

It, is perhaps unnecessary to point out how small a proportion of the "intellectuals" were scholastics even in the 13th century.

Like the Arabian logicians, and some of the scholastics, who held that ideas existed in a threefold form - ante res, in rebus and post res - he laid down the principle that the archetypal ideas existed metaphysically in the ultimate unity or intelligence, physically in the world of things, and logically in signs, symbols or notions.

Anselm and the scholastics regarded the atonement as an offering to God of such infinite value as to outweigh men's sins, a view sometimes styled the " Commerical Theory.

He had been born with the hopes of the Renaissance, with its anticipation of a new Augustan age, and had seen this fair promise blighted by the irruption of a new horde of theological polemics, worse than the old scholastics, inasmuch as they were revolutionary instead of conservative.

The Decretum pro Jacobitis, published on the 4th of February 1442, is, like that for the Armenians, of high dogmatic interest, as it summarizes the doctrine of the great medieval scholastics on the points in controversy.

Then, selecting some of the later and less virile scholastics as victims, they ask how men could be seriously interested in their trivialities.

Gilbert is almost the only logician of the 12th century who is quoted by the greater scholastics of the succeeding age.

This act theory would prove influential on later scholastics, most notably William Ockham.

In this he agrees with the speculative mystics everywhere, and differentiates himself from the scholastics who followed him.

'Ibn Daud was one of the first Jewish scholastics to adopt the Aristotelian system; his predecessors were mostly neo-Platonists.

Next we must consider the machinery by which the Society is constituted and governed so as to make its spirit a living energy and not a mere abstract Society is distributed into six grades: novices, scholastics, temporal coadjutors (lay brothers), spiritual coadjutors, professed of the three vows, and professed of the four vows.

The freedom of his speculation, and the boldness with which he works out his logical or dialectical system of the universe, altogether prevent us from classing him along with the scholastics properly so called.

There is a general agreement among Tibetan scholastics regarding the pedagogical value of debate in internalizing their tradition.


pedant, purist, scholar, bookman, student, bookworm, scholarly person,



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