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sceptical Meaning in Tamil ( sceptical வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஐயறவு மனப்பான்மையடைய,

sceptical's Usage Examples:

The prominence given by most of the Sophists to rhetoric, their cultivation of a subjective readiness as the essential equipment for life, their substitution of persuasion for conviction, all mark the sceptical undertone of their teaching.

I have come into the world that I may bear witness to the truth: everyone that is of the truth, heareth My voice "; Pilate asks sceptically " What is truth ?Used by Kant sceptically of the limitations of reason, dialectic in Hegel becomes constructive; and scepticism itself becomes a stage in knowledge.

While unequivocally rejecting the accepted creeds, and so scandalizing even liberal theologians, he was still more hostile to simply sceptical and materialist tendencies.

The fixed given points of intuitionalism furnish Hamilton with one of his arguments in his unexpected development towards a sceptical or " faith philosophy.

It was not in the nature of the Italians, sceptical and paganized by the Revival, to be revival keenly interested about questions which seemed to revive in Italy.

The main line in pure philosophy runs on from Kant's wavering and sceptical idealism to the all-including gnosis of Hegel.

He bided his time, and the transformation of sceptical Florence into an austerely Christian republic claiming the Saviour as its head only increased his resolve to crush the man who had wrought this marvel.

He was the leader of what is sometimes known as the third sceptical school and revived to a great extent the doctrine of Pyrrho and Timon.

In this connexion it is usual to distinguish three types of atheism: - the dogmatic, which denies the existence of God positively; the sceptical, which distrusts the capacity of the human mind to discover the existence of God; and the critical, which doubts the validity of the theistic argument, the proofs for the existence of God.

Early in 1889 she received at Windsor a special embassy, which was the beginning of a memorable chapter of English history: two Matabele chiefs were sent by King Lobengula to present his respects to the "great White Queen," as to whose very existence, it was said, he had up till that time been sceptical.

Or is it simply a reiteration of his sceptical contrast between phenomena and noumena, and of his confinement of (valid) knowledge to the former?But it is not maintained, on the side either of phenomena or of noumena; and hence its tendency to materialism.

The captious logic of the Megarian school was indeed in some cases closely related to sceptical results.

Equally sceptical with Montaigne, and decidedly more cynical, he is distinguished by a deeper and sterner tone.


disbelieving, unbelieving, skeptical, incredulous,


answer, religious, gnostic, credible, credulous,

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