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scends Meaning in Tamil ( scends வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


scends's Usage Examples:

The Adda in this part of its course has a direction almost due east to west; but at the point where it reaches the lake, the Liro descends the valley of S.

It then urinates and defecates, covers the hole, and ascends back into the canopy, leaving its natural fertilizer behind.

The burrow of the young hamster is only about a foot in depth, while that of the adult descends 4 or 5 ft.

Into these regions descended Hibil the brilliant, in the power of Mana rabba, just as in the Manichaean mythology the "primal man," armed with the elements of the king of light, descends to a contest with the primal devil.

It ascends from the Athenian to the Hellenic view.

or more, and descends gradually by extremely gentle slopes towards the coasts or the bottom of the fjords on all sides, discharging a great part of its yearly drainage or surplus of precipitation in the form of icebergs in the fjords, the so-called ice-fjords, which are numerous both on the west and on the east coast.

The gelada inhabits the mountains of Abyssinia, where, like other baboons, it descends in droves to pillage cultivated lands.

He then ascends to the surface, carries down a bubble of air and releases it inside the mouth of the silk-thimble, thus replacing a certain amount of water.

But as the motion of rivers is not continually accelerated,and soon arrives at a state of uniformity,it is evident that the viscosity of the water, and the friction of the channel in which it descends, must equal the accelerating force.

The box, I, has a hinged bottom with a projecting click finger which, as the box de - scends, plays idly over the staves of a ladder arc.


rise, uprise, move up, surge, go up, arise, lift, come up,


fall, stay in place, descend, descent, decrease,

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