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sayers Meaning in Tamil ( sayers வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



sayers தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அவரது டிவிட்டருக்கு இணங்க, ஆண்டின் விரைவில் ஓர் பணி முடிக்கப்பட்ட DVD யை PCD லவுஞ்ச் ரிவ்யூவிலிருந்து வெளியிடவுள்ளது (அவற்றில் அவர் வெளியிட்டது அதேப் போல கிறிஸ்டியானா சேயர்ஸ் மற்றும் நிகோலே ஷ்ரெஸ்சிங்கர் ஆகியோரது.

வரிசையானது நிகோலே கோர்டோவா, டிஃபானி ஆண்டெர்சன், கிறிஸ்டினா சேயர்ஸ் மற்றும் நடாலி மேஜியா ஆகியோரை உள்ளடக்கியது.

sayers's Usage Examples:

The Scriptures, it is true, contain all that appertains to faith and life, but give no clue to the art of confuting gainsayers.

Many of these pieces remind us of the oracles of the old heathen soothsayers, whose style is known to us from imitations, although we have perhaps not a single genuine specimen.

Can you believe he drug out that box of cancer sticks while we were discussing the sale of natural foods?The Scyths had a method of divination with sticks, and the Enarees, who claimed to be soothsayers by grant of the goddess who had afflicted them, used another method by splitting bast fibres.

Serious disturbances thereupon ensued; and the Protestants, getting the worst of the argument, silenced their gainsayers by insulting the bishops and priests in the streets and profaning and devastating the Catholic churches.

It solemnly deliberated over an opinion, which Etruscan soothsayers of acknowledged wisdom had furnished respecting certain signs and wonders at its special request.

The Scyths had a method of divination with sticks, and the Enarees, who claimed to be soothsayers by grant of the goddess who had afflicted them, used another method by splitting bast fibres.

If you have an innate ability to take rejection, learn from it and then push forward, you'll be able to tolerate the naysayers without it dampening your energy or enthusiasm.

It was also used by a class of bards or itinerant soothsayers known by the name of vates, of whom the most famous was one Marcius, and in the "Fescennine verses," as sung at harvest-homes and weddings, which gave expression to the coarse gaiety of the people and to their strong tendency to personal raillery and satiric comment.

Belief in the evil eye or shadow is universal, and spirit-raisers, soothsayers and rain-doctors are in repute.

We are, however, informed by Diodorus and Strabo that this class was composed of Druids, bards and soothsayers.

According to J, Balaam was among his own people the BneAmmon when Balak sent messengers to him with presents such as soothsayers generally received, asking him to come and curse a people that had come up out of Egypt.

Some energy experts are naysayers when it comes to lithium-powered batteries and wonder if using up too much of our lithium power will backfire.

Scientists and superheroes are our modern day soothsayers and warriors, here to discover and defend.

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