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savoury Meaning in Tamil ( savoury வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


savoury's Usage Examples:

But incidentally the scandals of the palace had a large and unsavoury part in the political troubles of Spain.

To Fenelon such employment was clearly uncongenial; and if he was rather too ready to employ unsavoury methods - such as bribery and espionage - among his proselytes, his general conduct was kindly and statesmanlike in no slight degree.

They are, however, though antique and interesting, somewhat dismal and unsavoury.

The opening up of the wide thoroughfare of Chambers Street, on the site of College Wynd and Brown and Argyll Squares, cleared the precincts of unsightly obstructions and unsavoury neighbours.

In the last fortnight sow asparagus, cauliflower and the various sweet and savoury herbs; also sea-kale, radishes, celery, celeriac and parsley.

The savoury odour of the meat made me hungry long before the tables were set.

(near the end), "The lunch - a hot savoury mutton-chop, and a little of the cold loin sliced and fried - was now brought in" is the reading of most if not all the editions; but "loin" should be "lion," the reference being to the pudding, "a lion with currant eyes," described earlier in the chapter.

The Mexicans were also skilful makers of earthen pots, in which were cooked the native beans called by the Spanish frijoles, and the various savoury stews still in vogue.

Spain was utterly dumb; Italian fervour could only boast the foundation of two small orders of popular preachers - the Passionists (1737), and the Redemptorists, instituted in 1732 by St Alfonso Liguori, who also won for himself a dubious reputation on the unsavoury field of casuistry.

The flesh is dry and unsavoury, but is permitted meat for Hindus, even of the Brahman caste.

A good deal of controversy has arisen relating to Froude's treatment of the relations between Carlyle and his wife, and during1903-1904this was pushed to a somewhat unsavoury extent.




strength, unsavory,

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