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satyr Meaning in Tamil ( satyr வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



satyr's Usage Examples:

Amymone having thrown her spear at a stag, missed it, but hit a satyr asleep in the brake.

Midas with the ass's ears was a frequent subject of the Attic satyr-drama.

12) were numerous both in prose and in verse: besides the /1XXot, he is said to have written epic poems, tragedies, comedies and satyric dramas.

A monument was erected by the inhabitants of Phlius in honour of Pratinas's son Aristias, who, with his father, enjoyed the reputation of excelling all, with the exception of Aeschylus, in the composition of satyric dramas, one of which was called Cyclops.

The two male deities worshipped were Cabeiros and a boy: the Cabeiros resembles Dionysus, being represented on vases as lying on a couch, his head surrounded with a garland of ivy, a drinking cup in his right hand; and accompanied by maenads and satyrs.

Satyrs (Satyr) >>The satyr pursued her, and she called for help on Poseidon, who appeared, and for love of her beauty caused a spring to well up, which received her name.

A few well-turned lines which have been preserved from Lycophron's tragedies show a much better style; they are said to have been much admired by Menedemus of Eretria, although the poet had ridiculed him in a satyric drama.

One of the more remarkable intaglios depicts a satyr holding a bunch of grapes, in a silver ring from Weybourne in Norfolk.

"Most commonly Ariadne is represented asleep on the shore at Naxos, while Dionysus, attended by satyrs and bacchanals, gazes admiringly upon her; sometimes they are seated side by side under a spreading vine.

"The two male deities worshipped were Cabeiros and a boy: the Cabeiros resembles Dionysus, being represented on vases as lying on a couch, his head surrounded with a garland of ivy, a drinking cup in his right hand; and accompanied by maenads and satyrs.

Glaucus was the subject of a satyric drama by Aeschylus.

She is a kind of female satyr, who resides in caves and strangles and perverts men.

Except in the satyr play, theater seems to eschew naked flesh.


deviate, letch, lecher, deviant, lech, pervert, degenerate,


equal, conform, normal, moral, recuperate,

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