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sapper Meaning in Tamil ( sapper வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அகழி தோண்டும் படை வீரர்,

sapper's Usage Examples:

He had no adequate corps of sappers and miners, or transport train.

sapper officer who was originally in command, disappears overboard during the night.

At 0325 two Israeli sappers blew the gate, and the Palmachniks pushed on to the Jewish Quarter.

Immediately after his return he sent to Austria and Prussia for as many sappers, miners, engineers and carpenters as money could procure.

- These are formed into battalions of pioneers, railway troops, telegraph troops, sappers and miners, 'c.

The Indian army consists of 138 battalions of infantry, 10 regiments of cavalry, 16 mountain batteries, i garrison artillery company, 32 sapper and miner companies (2 railways companies included).

He entered the engineer branch in 1838, served in the campaigns in the Caucasus, rose to be colonel, and commanded the sappers and miners at the siege of Kars in 1855.

2 The art of the sapper and miner, the use of siege instruments like the mangonel, and the employment of various "fires" as missiles, were all known among the Mahommedans; and in all these respects the Franks learned from their enemies.

This was extremely generous, when compared to the infantryman's one shilling and the ordinary sapper 's two shillings and sixpence.

The delirious sapper officer who was originally in command, disappears overboard during the night.

The royal engineers are 4 regiments of sappers and miners, I of pontooners, I battalion of telegraph engineers, I of railway engineers with cyclists, I balloon corps, and ~ colonial corps.

This was extremely generous, when compared to the infantryman 's one shilling and the ordinary sapper 's two shillings and sixpence.


military engineer, army engineer,



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