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saponification Meaning in Tamil ( saponification வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

சவர்க்காரமாய் ஆக்குதல்

saponification's Usage Examples:

A few of the blubber oils, like dolphin jaw and porpoise jaw oils (used for lubricating typewriting machines), have exceedingly high saponification values ` owing to their containing volatile fatty acids with a small number of carbon atoms.

In the case of those oils which do not belong to the rape oils and yet show abnormally low saponification values, the suspicion is raised at once that a certain amount of mineral oils (which do not absorb alkali and are therefore termed "unsaponifiable") has been admixed fraudulently.

all those the saponification value of which lies at or below 195, contain practically no volatile acids,i.

Their formation is not due to a true process of saponification; but they occupy an important place in compound soaps.

, and effecting the mixing and saponification at a slightly higher temperature, soaps are obtained which resemble milled toilet soaps.

Notable also are coco-nut and palm-nut oils, the saponification numbers of which vary from 240 to 260, and especially butter-fat, which has a saponification value of about 227.

The saponification value (saponification number) denotes the number of milligrams which one gramme of an oil or fat requires for saponification, or, in other words, for the neutralization of the total fatty acids contained in an oil or fat.

In this field he contributed to our knowledge of the manufacture of iron and steel, sulphuric acid, glass and paper, and in particular worked at the saponification of fats with sulphuric acid and the utilization of palmitic acid for candle-making.

All other soaps result from the combination' of fatty oils and fat with potash or soda solutions under conditions which favour saponification.

A soap so made is not the result of saponification but of a simple combination, as is the case also with resin soaps.

The silicate in the form of a concentrated solution is crutched or stirred into the soap in a mechanical mixing machine after the completion of the saponification, and it appears to enter into a distinct chemical combination with the soap.

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