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sanity Meaning in Tamil ( sanity வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நல்லறிவு நிலை,

sanity தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


sanity's Usage Examples:

The use of bhang in moderation is comparatively harmless; ganja and charas when taken in excess are undoubtedly injurious, leading to crime and sometimes to insanity.

There are also semi-state institutions for the insane at Waverley, Barre, Wrentham and Baldwinville, and nineteen small private institutions, all under the supervision of the state board of insanity.

He may be said to have believed in the sanity and sanctity of the state rather than of the Church.

The excitement of the change from his retired life in Gatchina to omnipotence drove him below the line of insanity.

It has a public library, which has belonged to the township since 1857; and here are the Lyman School for Boys, a state industrial institution (opened in 1886 and succeeding a state reform school opened in 1846), and the Westboro Insane Hospital (homoeopathic, 1884), which is under the general supervision of the State Board of Insanity.

But it was more than Dean's charity that kept the two together, although at times Dean questioned the relationship as well as his sanity for putting up with the old man.

No reputable historian would accept the idea that educating a woman sucks all the blood from her uterus, or that masturbation causes insanity.

The unaccustomed coarse food, the vodka he drank during those days, the absence of wine and cigars, his dirty unchanged linen, two almost sleepless nights passed on a short sofa without bedding--all this kept him in a state of excitement bordering on insanity.

Defoe says he received no pension, but his subsequent fidelity was at all events indirectly rewarded; moreover, Harley's moderation in a time of the extremest party-insanity was no little recommendation to Defoe.

sane, insanity, sanitation, 'c.

She listened, dismayed but also interested in someone interpreting the insanity of her mind in a way she could grasp.

The eccentricity which had characterized his opinions from the beginning of his career gradually became more marked until they developed into insanity.


reasonableness, mental health, rationality, lucidity, saneness, reason,


incomprehensibility, indication, contraindication, insanity, mental illness,

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